MP2 | One last ride

Here we are once again my friends. One more year. It seems like just yesterday we were little kids walking around these halls with our new found will to learn on the first day of freshman year. Back then, we looked like we belonged down at Tomek. Now some of you guys look like you could bench press Tomek.

Those days are just memories now, gone forever, lost in the endless sea of good times, rough patches, regret and nostalgia. Just memories. That’s what high school will be eventually. Nothing but a memory. Take advantage of this.

Now to relate this to sports, as the title of this column is “MP2 Sports.” Let’s be completely honest here. For a good chunk of the graduating seniors, this is the last year they will EVER be a part of organized competitive sports. This is incredibly important. A big part of people’s lives are sports. Sports take up hours and hours of an athlete’s time, and one day that will be extinct.

It can be tough to grasp. I don’t play any sports, but the last time I ever make a newscast for this school I will be sad. However I know that this is inevitable, and that the moments I have had doing these things I love are ones I’ll remember forever. For this reason, I’ll be soaking in my last year.
Not only will I be taking my time this year, I’ll be trying new things. If I want to do something, I’ll just do it. Trying new things leads to new adventures and new stories.

I suggest you all do the same. Do not shy away from a new sport or club because you have never tried it before. All athletes in your final year, do not speed through. Do not just focus on college and try to get through this year. Slow down and take everything in. I, for one, will be spending as much time as possible doing what I enjoy, because I know nothing is a guarantee, and literally tomorrow life could be taken away.

Finally, getting home at 11 p.m. is not a bad thing. No one remembers the days where they went home and watched Netflix for six hours then got a good night’s sleep. Memorable nights are not made by being antisocial or staying at home. Do what you love, stay a couple hours longer, go to eat after the game, try out for a sport you have never played before. Do it, no matter what ‘it’ is to you. The memories are worth it.