Concerts and Fireworks are all fun and games but in the long run they can take a toll on one’s health. According to a study from The University of Michigan, the noise can not only cause hearing loss, but also increase chance of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep disturbance, annoyance and endocrine effects.
Just listening to loud noises once in a while can start a domino effect of health issues. Numerous sources such as headphones, concerts, fireworks and airplanes can produce excessive noise.
Sound is measured in decibels. For instance zero decibels being the lowest sound a person can hear to the loudest at 185 decibels, such as a rocket lifting off.
Most people put in headphones to get away from the noise around them, when actually they’re adding to the noise by putting their music on max volume, producing 105 sound decibels.
“Headphones make my ears hurt after wearing them for a long time or when I lay on them,” sophomore Jessica Eastman said. “I also get headaches once in a while if I listen to my music too loud.
According to Jason Gilmore, hearing instrument specialist for Miracle Ear in Fenton, this could cause permanent hearing loss if listened to for 8 hours straight, or fatigue, headaches, depression or anger.
Going to that rock concert can produce up to 120 decibels. According to Dr. Bhayani at the Gottieb Memorial Hospital, this could cause damage to a person’s nerves and once they are damaged they cannot be repaired, also causing loss of hearing.
“My sister and I both wear ear plugs when we go to concerts,” sophomore Taylor Haaraoja said. “There not too comfortable, but they help to block out some of the noise.”
The Fourth of July buzz can bring 140 sound decibels to a person’s ear, with the colorful fireworks and the airplanes bringing in relatives for a visit. According to the U of M study, those loud explosions and sudden turbulence can cause a person to be more prone to sleep disturbance.
Because of the noise early on in the day, some people can no longer “sleep through anything.” When one goes in and out of deep sleep it causes the heart rate and blood pressure to increase and decrease, putting a strain on the heart.
Gilmore suggests people wear earbuds when exposed to loud noise. Even though people may think ear plugs are uncomfortable, not wearing them may lead to more discomfort throughout the whole body later.