A hero is a leader, someone who does the right thing because it’s the right thing to do and because he or she believes in the cause. Heroes do not do good deeds to get attention and when they have a problem with someone or something, they certainly don’t take the coward’s way out; they go directly to the person and fight for change. Edward Snowden does not fit this description. He is not a hero, he demanded change, but he also liked the attention that bringing out the truth gave him.
While the information Snowden leaked to reporters regarding federal surveillance videos may have been intended to inform Americans and change the overprotective government, he could have caused a serious problem with terrorists taking advantage of that information to be used against America because of the manner in which he did it. Showing signs of weakness in our government to other countries puts the American people at risk. According to an article on CNN, terrorists have now changed the way they communicate. A U.S. Intelligence Official confirmed that these changes to communication are based on the information terrorists gained about our surveillance programs.
Some people say Snowden is being punished because he demanded change and the government did not like that. However, change was not the only thing he was seeking. The professional way would have been to seek out help from members of Congress that were elected to represent the people and their concerns.
It is questionable how much Snowden believed in what he was doing making him even more of a traitor than a hero. If he truly believed in shedding light on an important issue, he should accept his punishment like a man and hope Americans will see his good and pardon him. Sacrificing one’s self for the greater good of the people is what makes a man a hero not cowardly flying off to Hong Kong and then Moscow to avoid being punished.
Snowden should be in jail; he is not a hero, however I am not saying there does not need to be a change in our government. The NSA is going to such extremes to keep Americans safe that we are beginning to lose our basic freedoms, like privacy.
For the sake of safety from terrorists, Edward Snowden deserves to be punished. His punishment will serve as an example for the next time someone discovers information about our government they do not agree with. Instead of publishing it with journalists, people should place this information with the people we elect to represent us.