People of Fenton: junior Reagan Lange


PHOTO Courtesy: Reagan Lange

“I want to be able to focus a lot on friendships and connections with people. I want be able to take a spontaneous road trip and travel the world, do things outside of my comfort zone and push myself to do fun and amazing things. I would go outside of the country to Australia or Italy and to see and explore those places and learn about culture hands on. I don’t want to talk about it in a class. I want to experience it for myself. Those countries, especially, I have seen pictures or heard about so much, but I want to go see it myself. To get there, it will take a lot of work. I think that’s where a lot of the stress on careers and college comes from, because in order to travel or have fun, it costs money. In order to get money, you have to have a plan and get a job. Unfortunately, we also have the stress where most people think we have to go to college first and pay off all our debts. At that point, people think it is ‘too late’ because we have to settle down and find a full time career. However, I believe you can do both. I feel that you should not have to stress because no matter if it is something fun like traveling or stressful like college, it is never ‘too late’ to do those amazing things.”