As the start of a new school year kicks off, the fear of not doing well kicks in. Teachers give helpful advice as well as ways to get motivated for the students to start the school year off right.
“I tell my students to start setting long term goals, like a future college they want to attend,” science teacher Samantha Fish said. “Then they can make mini-goals that will help them achieve their big goal.”
Along with creating goals to get motivated, one studying method that works well for Fish is repetition.
“Repetition will help with understanding terms and also being able to apply those terms and concepts,” Fish said. “I would tell them to use an app on their phone for flash cards or make their own.”
Heather Mulligan, a literature teacher, has her own thoughts on how students should get motivated.
“Set a goal and determine your own reward,” Mulligan said. “Delay buying a special item, eating at a new restaurant, or participating in an activity until the goal is met.”
While Fish thinks repetition is the best studying method, Mulligan believes that more students need to try harder.
“I think it hurts students when they chose not to do class work because they are not good at a particular subject,” Mulligan said. “The goal of school is to improve knowledge and skills. In order to improve, you have to attempt the work and learn from the feedback.”
Some teachers wish that all students were top students, although this is not the case, one teacher feels like the other students could learn from them.
“My top students are impeccably organized; these students have labeled, sectioned binders and folders,” math teacher Abbey French said. “They show interest being in school, and are comfortable asking questions as well as answering/participating. They have structure – within the school walls and outside.”
Like all good things, high school is a balance. A balance between social, academic, and health related things.
“This is four years of your life, which, if we live an average of 75 years (hopefully more) that is about 5.3 percent of our entire lifespan,” French said. “I think we can manage a pretty decent effort toward this time so that the other 94.7 percent is everything we can ever hope for and more. Utilize this opportunity and most importantly, make it your own.”