Kiersten Lapa
With support from the boys soccer teams, the girls volleyball teams do push ups. The two teams versed each other in a friendly game of volleyball on Oct. 10 to raise money for a Fenton student with cancer.
Many Fenton athletic programs have taken time out of their season to give back to their community. Sports teams this school year are helping out while also bringing their players closer together at the same time.
The volleyball and soccer programs hold an annual Volley-4-a-Cure fundraiser. The freshman, JV, and varsity soccer teams play the freshman, JV, and varsity volleyball teams in a volleyball match. Each year a different family is chosen to receive the money raised.
Junior Ashton McKellar has now participated in Volley-4-a-Cure for three years. Each year brings new memories and competition between both programs.
“On the night of the event, we played the volleyball team. When the games were over, the money raised from both teams went to the family of a sixth-grader who is fighting a rare form of cancer,” McKellar said. “The money we raise helps the battle and it is overall a good experience for everyone involved.”
Even after experiencing a loss to the soccer team, junior Sydney Sahr enjoyed the event because of the cause behind the game.
“I can’t remember a time where I laughed so much,” Sahr said. “It was great to raise money for Nate Hartzell, who has an extremely rare type of cancer. We raised around $2,500 to help pay for his treatment.”
The volleyball program is not alone in helping the community; the basketball and baseball programs are also planning on being involved this year. Senior Lauren Bossenberger is part of the basketball program and will be going to lay wreaths at the Great Lakes National Cemetery this winter.
“Laying the wreaths brings the basketball team closer with each other and also the community,” Bossenberger said. “We have fun doing it, but we also are paying respect and honor to those who have served for us.”
Junior Logan Angel is a part of the baseball program—every spring they help out the community by raking leaves and cleaning Oakwood Cemetery.
“The freshmen and JV teams go to Oakwood Cemetery and help clean up, while the varsity team goes to two houses to rake and help pick up the yard,” Angel said. “One of the houses we visit every year is a lady’s house who lost her husband and needs the extra help. The second house is usually a different community member; last year we went to Kenny Allen’s grandparents and assisted in the yard.”
Giving back to the community has helped the Fenton sports teams grow together as a whole.