Submitted by Cale Mitchell
During the winter season, below freezing temperatures cause rain and snow to freeze on roads overnight, creating hazardous conditions for any driver. Roads become slippery, giving cars less traction and a higher risk of sliding into oncoming traffic or off the road. Not only do drivers have to be cautious about snow on the road, but black ice becomes a major concern.
“I was driving around a curve going 15 miles per hour when my car hit black ice,” senior Sarah Dziadzio said. “I slid off the road and hit a road sign then my car fell into a ditch. Right after the accident occurred, I called my mom so she could come meet me. Then I called American Automobile Association (AAA) so they could come tow my car out. I’d advise kids who can drive to get a AAA membership. It was really easy to call them and have them come help. I had gloves and a blanket that I keep in my car that helped keep me warm while I waited.”
Black ice is visually transparent on roads. According to Carsurance, over 116,800 people are injured in car accidents on snowy or icy roads every year. When there is snow on the road extra caution is advised to new and experienced drivers to stay safe.
“I was driving on a dirt road, which was more slippery than I had anticipated,” senior Cale Mitchell said. “I was driving the speed limit, which with the road conditions was probably too fast. The road made a left hand turn and my car kept on going straight, smashinStudents suffer from icy roadsg into a tree. Understanding your abilities is important because people will tell you to drive slower, which not everyone

is going to do. People should understand what their car can do too; it helps a lot if you understand how the mechanics work.”
Certain car mechanics are better fit towards snow than others. According to Consumer Reports, “[All wheel drive] systems are especially helpful in rapidly changing conditions or
when driving on a road with intermittent snow and ice.” Mechanics alone cannot be relied on to prevent an accident, the driver must be vigilant and careful no matter what they drive.
“I hit a patch of ice, swerved left, then right and then I went perpendicular to the road. I started sliding and my car slowly rolled upside down,” junior Lilah Dagianes said. “At first when I was swerving I was fine, but when I went across the road the panic started to kick in. The biggest mistake I made during this accident was not turning into where my car was taking me. If I had, I might have ended up in a ditch instead. If your car starts turning right on ice, turn the wheel to the right. It may seem simple to remember but I thought I was in control, and I wasn’t.”
Icy roads are dangerous for any and every driver, no matter how experienced they may be. Being aware of the potential hazards on the road before getting into a vehicle can help prevent an accident. However, when a person is in one, they need to know what to do in order to stay safe.