Quarantine has been in effect throughout the United States for over a month, affecting 328.2 million people within its borders. Governments from states such as Alabama, Colorado, and Alaska have recently stated their reopening plans for their population, but states such as Michigan are going to continue their lock down protocol through May 15. There is a domino effect caused by the continuation of quarantine for the economy, education and small businesses.
States that are set to reopen are taking a large risk with the coronavirus still prevalent. Their state’s cases are leveling off and fewer people are becoming ill, but this does not mean they’re giving full freedom back to the population. Schools will still be closed as well as restaurants and fitness centers.
By lengthening the quarantine the economy has taken a large step back. Approximately 5.2 million filed for unemployment, according to the Washington Post, bringing the total to 22 million populates unemployed. The effect of the coronavirus has hit hard on the educational and athletic aspects of students’ lives. While education has been moved online, athletes have to try to stay active on their own at home because of the closing of fitness centers. Seniors are also missing out on their last year of high school, sports and school traditions.
As the economy of large food chains and retail stores has taken a fall, so have the family-owned, smaller-scale businesses. These businesses will have a harder time coming back to their former glory before the lock down. “Half of all small businesses have enough cash on hand to survive 27 days without new money coming through the door,” The Street Personal Finance writer Eric Reed said.
By continuing quarantine, more than one aspect of the economy has taken a huge fall, affecting more and more of the population. The lengthening of this lock down has already put a damper on the 2019-2020 school year, traditions and small businesses. It’s necessary for everyone to stay positive and safe during this pandemic so that it doesn’t continue any longer.