New Year’s Day is a time to celebrate a brand new beginning. A time to gather with your friends and loved ones to celebrate the upcoming year. New Year’s is about creating new memories, making resolutions or goals for the new year and starting the new year off on the right foot.
“To me, the New Year’s means a fresh start,” freshman Alivia Colville said. “The world doesn’t have a restart button, but it feels like a new year allows new things to come and the old things to be let go. I really want to lower the amount of time I’m on my phone. I’ve been so caught up in my phone because of virtual schooling. It’s a lot easier to get distracted being at home. I’m on my phone over ten hours a day and I want to cut that down to about five.”
There has been a lot of inconsistency with in-person and virtual so it can be hard to find that feeling of stability. Everyone has been under a lot of stress trying to balance this new “normal”. This time can make it difficult to feel motivated as well as feeling motivated enough to get school done, balance work, and still manage to have leisure time.
“Going into 2021, I hope to be more kind and gentle with myself.” sophomore Tess DuPei said. “This year, I set a lot of high expectations and I held myself accountable for the ones I failed to achieve, whether I liked it or not. I think my mindset and my resolution for 2021 is to just simply let go, breathe, and not take things so seriously.”
A few things people can do to enjoy the holidays could be by going a little more out there with decorations, creating a zoom call with those whom you normally would celebrate with, or even make your favorite dish could lift your spirits up and help to enjoy the holidays.
“I plan to find myself and my worth,” junior Aleena Garrison said. “I also plan on helping our earth become a cleaner place to live. Usually, I celebrate the new year with friends. However, because of restrictions for COVID-19, I am unable to do so this year.”
New Year’s resolutions help to keep focus on what’s important or needs to get done. Making resolutions will be something to look forward to in order to do better. This upcoming year is a brand new start and what better way to start it off by making goals to accomplish.