Some of the sports teams here at Fenton High School have traditions they partake in to make their seasons a little more entertaining. The cross country team and soccer team are two examples of this.
“The cross country team has pasta parties before every race,” junior Josh Maier said. “Most of the team gets together at one of the teammates house and we eat some sort of carb. Then we hang out, play games and toss the football around. The pasta parties usually last from after practice ends until around 8 p.m.— unless you know the person hosting it, then you can stay longer.”
The cross country teams pasta parties allow the teammates to have fun while bonding at the same time. The girls soccer team tradition is a little different than what cross country is.
“We do big and little sisters,” junior Rylan Sheffield said. “The seniors and juniors are typically the big sisters and the freshman and sophomores are the little sisters. At the beginning of the season you get a big sister or a little sister and they are to help you if you need it, and you will have that one person that you are close to that is on the team.”
Traditions like these encourage the players to have fun with one another without physically participating in the sport itself.
“My favorite thing about pasta parties is being with all my teammates,” junior Maty Temrowski said. “I really enjoy being able to play games and hang out with my friends and teammates outside of practice.”
Having traditions like these can help establish friendships and close bonds with your team.
“My favorite part about soccer big and little sisters is getting to know someone on the team,” junior Jilian Roberts said. “My freshman year my soccer sister and I were pretty close and it made me feel very welcomed on the team, and we had a lot of fun.”
Sports traditions create a closer bond between teammates, them becoming like a family, and create a fun and welcoming environment for all on the team.