April Carr
FHS news has been around for numerous years; however, in more recent years adviser Kevin Smith took on the role of being the Video Productions 1 and 2 teacher, as well as the Advanced Video Productions teacher. With this new role came many obstacles and challenges for Smith and his students. However, Smith and his classes persevered and continued to produce the FHS News. Though it has received criticism, there is a lot of positive feedback from students and teachers.
A Google Form was sent out by the Fenton InPrint to Fenton High students on Dec, 10 regarding FHS News and their take on it. Of the 39 students that responded, 100 percent indicated that they enjoy and look forward to watching the news. This in return made the Advanced Video students feel accomplished and appreciated.
“It feels super great knowing that students are enjoying the videos that we are putting out,” senior and Advanced Video Productions student Laura Singer said. “I love knowing that our hard work is paying off, and I also love that we’re all having fun along the way.”
Respondents to the Google Form provided suggestions on what they would like to see more of on the news and also things that they already love. Based on this feedback, hallway interviews have been a big hit and what students would like to see more of. It gets the school more involved in students’ daily lives and can also help create bonds with people outside of their own friend groups. Another thing students wanted to see more of is interactions with teachers. It helps students see a different perspective of teachers and overall could increase comfortability.
“Mr. Smith is a huge advocate for students’ mental health and he always lets us know that comes first,” junior and Video Productions 1 student Paige Javor said. “He teaches his students everything from film shots to editing, to audio— and is all around super involved with helping his students and that is portrayed on the light-hearted news segments.”
FHS news has a MyPortfolio website which can be found at http://fhsnews.myportfolio.com/ and also an Instagram, @fhsnews2021, where more suggestions can be sent via direct message.
FHS news has a MyPortfolio website which can be found at http://fhsnews.myportfolio.com/ and also an Instagram, @fhsnews2021, where more suggestions can be sent via direct message.