Natalie Hunault
After the abrupt loss of former varsity soccer coach Jose Melero on Sept. 20, Athletic Director Edward Uhrik was appointed to the head coach position on Sept. 21 for the remainder of the season.
Coach Uhrik was happy to take over the role, and has big goals for this team.
“I was eager to take the reins,” Uhrik said, “and try to mend the situation the best I could.”
However, despite Uhrik’s excitement as the new coach, he mentioned the new soccer coach position will be posted following this season.
“We will most likely be interviewing after this season,” Uhrik said. “Here in Fenton we try to have the administrators not coach.”
Uhrik is no rookie to soccer coaching: “I coached varsity soccer for 13 years at a school in the Chicago suburbs,” Uhrik said. “I was confident I could do it, and it would probably be the easiest transition. It’s been fun; I really enjoy getting out there.”
Coach Uhrik has big plans for his team during the remainder of the season.
“We have a few really good players, no doubt,” Uhrik said. “We have a week before playoffs start and currently we’re the number one seed in our district.”
The team has plans on making a run into playoffs this year and hopefully cracking into regionals. The transition mid-way through the season hasn’t been easy on anyone, especially the team’s players.
“I feel that he is very involved in the training and takes great passion in Fenton soccer,” freshman Gerard Gilmour said. “He is a good coach and he continues to get good results with the varsity team.”
The Tiger’s soccer team is on the uprise with the shift to Uhrik’s leading. They hope to go on a run late in the season and roll through playoffs. The Tiger’s next game is Oct. 17 in their first playoff game with their opponent, at this time, yet to be determined.