Generations mix with each other every other Sunday at the Crestmont Nursing Care Center. Key Club and the National Honor Society members have been volunteering at the Crestmont Nursing Care Center for the past two months.
“The organizations wanted to go to the Crestmont Nursing Care Center because they thought it was a good idea to visit some of the people who live there who don’t get many visitors,” senior Samantha Gehm said. “The clubs made it an annual thing because the Crestmont director wanted it to be more than just once a month, so we got both clubs to go.”
The clubs decided to select 10 people at a time to visit Crestmont. The residents look forward to them coming to visit with them and enjoy the company.
“The residents love having visitors,” activities director Katie Triplett said. “Some of them do not have any, so the more the better. A lot of times we get volunteers around the holidays, but it is important to remember that we need visitors all year. Every day they ask me when they are coming back again; we love having them.”
Not only do the Crestmont residents enjoy the time the students give to them, but the students who go and visit enjoy it too.
“It is really rewarding to me and makes me feel good when I hear that the people who live there enjoy it when we visit and want us to come back,” Gehm said. “Especially going into the holiday season, it is important to comfort those that don’t have much left, and visiting them gives us insight from the elderly men and women who have experienced many things.”
The Crestmont Care Center encourages visitors to come Monday through Sunday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.