Approximately 153 million people will visit the voting booths this year. Many have shared their opinions about which candidate they will vote for, but have they done their research? If so, then they have realized that Donald Trump is the person America needs in the White House.
Trump started his career in finance and economics after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania. From this, he has gained the skills to negotiate and sell businesses particularly well and is able to make millions off of it. As for Trump’s skills, he interacts with people much easier knowing what they want because of his close work with society and capital.
Trump is also economically inclined because of his background in business. This means he understands taxes. Tax Policy explains his plan: “The proposal would cut taxes at every income level . . . both in dollar terms and as a percentage of income.” Hillary Clinton prefers to tax the upper class only. “Those at the very top, who’ve benefited coming out of the recession, have to pay more.” Her plan is not beneficial to the entire country, as it should be.
I agree with Trump’s policies because being a businessman certainly has more benefits than being a politician. This is mainly because America’s economy is miserably failing, as we are $19.3 trillion in debt. Does a politician know how to handle this? Not as likely as a man who graduated college with a degree in economics.
Trump is determined to build a wall along the Texas-Mexico border. According to Politifact, his very words were: “I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively.” Whether or not he follows through on this, Trump’s statement clearly expresses that he wants to protect American citizens no matter the barriers he must break, or in his case, put up. While his comments may be portrayed as racist, those who have entered the country and committed terrorism- like the 9/11 attacks and the Boston Marathon bombing- follow the same religion. This statement is not racist: it is the truth. Frankly, I do not wish to be killed because of poorly guarded borders.
The person we need in office is Donald Trump. With no political background, he will use his management skills and his knowledge of the capital system to get America back on track. He knows how to handle the debt we are in and will not try to deal with the money and terrorists on a political level, but on the level of a businessman. Stress of the 2016 election has pushed many to abstain from voting because the two candidates are so diverse. However, the only way to keep one person out, is to vote the other in. Let’s “Make America Great Again.”