Maya Mead
From Monday Dec. 5 through Thursday Dec. 8, the library is hosting a book fair from 7:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.. New and old books of various genres will be available for purchase.
“The main purpose is really just that it’s fun,” librarian Rachael Hodges said. “We get a small profit, not much. Something that actually surprised me the first time I did it, was how much students were really into buying the bargain books. So that’s actually what sells the most, not necessarily the new books.”

What Hodges calls ‘bargain books’ are books that have been previously owned and resold at a lower price. Gently used books will be the majority of inventory at this pre-holiday event.
“We like to do this at Christmas time in case people are wanting to get gifts for family members,” Hodges said. “That’s why we try to have a wide variety. We have children’s books, if anybody has siblings [and] teachers will come in also to buy books for their classrooms.”
Lowry’s Books company sponsors the event prior to the holidays by sending numerous books to the library. Profits will fund the cost of additional books for the media center.
“Whatever we profit, we get a certain amount of dollars toward books from the company,” Hodges said. “If I profit $100, then I can buy $100 worth of books that will be added into our [library] collection.”
Hodges and the media center team will be restocking once the book fair has been completed with the money raised.