Christmas is just around the corner and many kids in foster care won’t be receiving gifts this year. Jason Warda, the owner of The Barn, has committed his time to supporting the cause by collecting bikes for foster kids in the area and those living at the Whaley Center in Flint. Total, Warda is looking to collect 53 bikes.
“A friend of mine is in touch with some foster programs, and she had mentioned that none of them have bikes or have never had a bike,” Warda said. “I thought for Christmas it would be nice to get them all bikes. At first, it was going to be like 10 or 15 kids and then I started calling around and I got a hold of the Whaley Center and they were wanting to participate. They have 39 kids, so the next thing you know we were up to 53 bikes.”

Transitioning from his annual Thanksgiving project, Warda has been considering turning this event into an annual one as well.
“It’s just nice to show people that we want to give back,” Warda said. “I would like it [bike donating] to be [annual], I’m assuming that they have a lot of turnover with kids, so every year they’ll have a new group that would need bikes.”
Putting this project together on time for Christmas has created opportunities for students to help out as well.
“I think it is a really good opportunity to give back during the holidays,” freshman Eileen O’Rourke said. “As far as I know, we are going to be building bikes from D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) kits, I’m really looking forward to it. Giving back in this way is new to me and I think I will be happy to have participated, I am proud to be apart of a great cause like The Barn’s.”
Bike assembly will take place at The Barn on Sunday Dec. 11, starting at 11 a.m.. Warda will continue to accept donations after this day, however, the bikes should be completely constructed. All bikes will be delivered on Christmas Day.