A franchise stretching 40 years is bound to have hiccups in the overall reception and consumption of new variations and reboots of the original series, but “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” does not follow this trend. “Ghostbuster: Frozen Empire” follows the story of Phoebe Spengler, played by McKenna Grace, and her family tackling more supernatural events and problems in New York City.
The addition of both a new cast and significant roles for the original cast cohesively binds the two storylines. The timeline between the two casts stays the same. Both stories are set in New York, dealing with the increasing supernatural problems facing the city. In this rendition, an ancient artifact containing an evil spirit is accidentally released from its thousands of years old tomb. This evil spirit has the power to use fear as fuel to create a new ice age.
“Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire”, has a sense of humor that appeals to several different audiences ranging in age. There’s humor for both new and old fans of the franchise. At a PG-13 rating, the humor is meant for slightly older audiences, but overall isn’t concerning. It all depends on personal preference.
In this movie, and like others in the Ghostbusters universe, the storyline relies heavily on the use of special effects like computer-generated imagery and digital rendering to create realistic versions of ghosts. With the advanced technology used in filmmaking today, the frozen appearance of New York City and the ghosts that linger during the main conflict between the cast and the evil spirit add to the eerie ambiance of the film.
The Ghostbusters franchise continues to grow the complexity of believing and seeing the supernatural, and the possibility of the supernatural being a threat to human beings. The addition of “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” depicts this threat in an entertaining way that all audiences can enjoy.