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People of Fenton: sophomore Chloe Fijolek
Molly Dixon, Writer
August 20, 2024
“Outside of school I really enjoy sleeping, hanging out with my friends, eating and going for drives. When I’m with my friends we usually just chat and go to McDonalds. My mom and I are really close, I tell her about all of my problems. As for the rest of my family, I really enjoy going on vacations for spring break with them. My favorite vacation that we’ve been on was this year’s spring break. I went to the Gulf of Mexico with my parents, sister, her friend and my friend, Anna. After highschool I’m interested in going into radiology because my biggest nightmare is rotting at a computer all day for work. I don’t want to be miserable with my job and radiology has always been really interesting to me.”-Chloe Fijolek