Competitive cheer squad prepares for their first meet on Jan. 7
PHOTO Matt Celotto
December 2, 2016
PHOTOS Matt Celotto
The competitive cheer team is in motion and preparing for its first competition in Frankenmuth Jan. 7. To be ready for their season, the team practices throughout the week, even on some Saturdays.The team must stay dedicated in order to win their competitions this season.
“You have to be on time and willing and able to come to every practice,” junior Syd Stossel said. “We also have to be willing to give it 110 percent all the time. Dedicated and motivated are words we should also exemplify.”
The team feels that because of all their hard work, they should have some supporters from their school. The cheerleaders encourage students to attend their home meet Feb. 10 which starts at 6 p.m.
“We have our own competition we host on Feb.10 called the Tiger Invitational,” competitive cheer coach Kristy Webster said. “I’d love to see some students come out and support these girls. They donate a lot of their time to help their fellow students.”
The team is also hosting regionals Feb. 25 at 10 p.m. The squad has never made it to regionals and they were only a few points away from making it last year.
Our biggest goal is to get to regionals because Fenton cheer has never made it to regionals,” Stossel said. “Last year we only 1.42 points away from making it, which was so frustrating. And we don’t want that to happen again. We are also hosting the regionals this year, so either we will be on the mat or passing out popcorn; we wanna be on the mat. We are gonna accomplish this by staying focused and practicing at home and on our own time as well. We also will be working on newer and harder stunts to advance our team.”
Freshman Josie Rollier is also thrilled for regionals because she is confident that the team will make it. Rollier is eager to spend time bonding with her teammates during the upcoming season.
“Competitive season allows you to be close with teammates which is really fun,” Rollier said. “Also a lot of girls who did the football season are transferring over so I think it will be fun to spend time with them and get to know one another better.”
With every practice the girls and the coach continue to push the team to be better than their last performance.