Paint the Town brings homecoming spirit to Fenton

Carly Riggs, Content Editor

*All photos by Makenzie Cool

Every year, homecoming seems to sneak up on students a little faster. Even so, the student council is ready to put on some gloves, grab some paint, and spread school spirit around downtown Fenton.

“We paint businesses’ windows with Fenton spirit,” sophomore Skylar Parks said. “It raises awareness for our homecoming and gives a sense of pride.”

This week is packed with activities to get students pumped up for the game and the dance. From Pajama Day to Twin Day to Orange and Black Day, no one has a chance to be left out of all the fun.

“My favorite part was seeing the reactions of the people walking by while we were painting; they looked so happy,” freshman Arianna Mansour said. “The store owners were pretty much all thrilled to have their windows painted.”

Going out in 60 degree weather to paint windows all day doesn’t exactly sound like the average team building activity, but student council members pledged to do their best.

“My favorite part of Paint the Town was working with my classmates,” Parks said. “We had a great time and I think we feel closer.”

Most residents and owners were up for anything.

“Most business owners were awesome, and happy to see us come in,” Parks said. ”

The day of painting and bringing smiles to people’s faces continued from business to business. The tradition of Paint the Town was completed.