Group of students head to Guatemala to continue volunteer work

Myla Wolosonowich, Writer

Submitted by Michael Fabatz

Members of the school and community will be taking a mission trip to Guatemala this December and again this coming June to help Dorie’s Promise, an orphanage, and other communities near it on several projects that will improve living conditions. On past trips, volunteers have passed out water filters in ghettos, made cement to build cement floors, and constructed a school that now holds 120 students.

“Guatemala is about helping people, and stepping outside yourself your community and comfort zone,” senior Michael Fabatz said. “I really enjoy seeing the kids and being able to interact with them. Getting to help people who have nothing and who are so grateful for anything is a wonderful thing, also because every time I go I learn something new about myself and the world.”

“Most of the people don’t get the opportunity to go to Guatemala and work with kids and I’m honored to be able to go, and I’m lucky enough to be able to pay for it on my own,” senior Isabelle McIntosh said.

Students who are going to Guatemala have already been pursuing multiple fundraisers for the trip. The trip all together costs $2,200. The most common way to raise money is fundraising and saving up from their jobs.

“In the past, my parents have always paid for it, but I’ve helped them by fundraising for the trip,” Fabatz said. “This year I decided I was going to pay for it on my own, so I got a job at Fenton House and have been working there since August.”

The most recent fundraiser done for the orphanage Dorie’s Promise was a Culver’s night. From 5 to 7p.m. a part of the profits made was set aside and sent to the orphanage to help the kids there.

“Culver’s had a fundraiser for the Guatemala trip, workers at Culver’s all worked together and all the money that was raised from that day 15 percent of it went to an orphanage called Dorie’s Promise.” senior Isabelle McIntosh said. “I was glad that Culver’s was able to put on this fundraiser and all of the money was going to Dorie’s Promise, because that’s where I will be staying while I’m there.”

“I’ve gone in December right after Christmas and then last new years for 7 days,” Fabatz said. “Recently I’ve been going in June towards the end of the month. This year I’m going June 18th through the 25th.”

If anyone is interested on wanting to go to Guatemala for future mission trips, there are more dates available, and to get more information on the trip and get more of an idea on what happens when they go, Kevin and Debi Johnson can be contacted for that information.