Swimmers celebrate their senior leaders at last meet of the season
PHOTO Maya Mead
October 29, 2015
As the fall seasons come to an end, each sport has their own ‘senior night’ to honor the seniors for their hard work within the sport. For the girls swim team, it was the seniors’ last meet at the home pool on Oct 27.
“This year, the Metro League meet will not be held at the Fenton pool,” swim coach Brad Jones said. “We honor them by publicly acknowledging them in our general warm up break, between diving and the second half of the meet, and we present them with flowers and we recognize their accomplishments.”
Not only did the seniors get publicity from this, they were able to spend it with their teammates.
“This year, it was really great being a captain for the team and it really made this year the best season out of all of them for me,” senior McKenzie Mead said. “Knowing that I was able to spend the meet with this team I have been with throughout my time here was truly great; they are like a second family to me.”
Mead has said that a lot has changed between when she started as a freshman and the end of her senior year.
“I normally swim the 100 butterfly, and knowing that it was the last time I was going to swim it at home made me think about the first time I swam it during my freshman year,” Mead said. “There definitely has been great improvement and I am very proud of my outcome from these four years.”
Mead hopes to swim and improve on her time for the 100 butterfly at the Metro meet. The meet will be held at Brandon High School on Nov 6 and 7.