Fenton’s bowling team falls to Holly in tournament

Eva Benore, Writer

Fenton’s bowling team lost to Holly on Dec. 12. The boys team lost 7-23, as well as the girls whom lost 8-22, leaving Holly left victorious.

“I wasn’t really nervous playing against Holly,” junior Alex Keith said. “I felt a little disappointed when we didn’t win, but there’s always next week. Plus both my parents are the coaches and have been teaching new and upcoming bowlers the basics and it’s really been paying off.”

With new and upcoming bowlers, there is room for improvement. The team has bowlers who’ve had more experience bowling, including sophomore Laura Albrant, who has been playing on the team making this her second year.

“I was pretty bummed when we lost, but I was beating myself up mostly for missing easy shots,” Albrant said. “I ended up bowling my average after beating my highest game score Friday night which was a 180. I also got my first Turkey, where I made three strikes in row. But it didn’t feel like I had bowled as well on Saturday.”

Others had a different attitude towards the loss.

When I play I’m usually the third bowler,” sophomore Elle Brickles said. “When versing Holly I could definitely sense a rivalry; it was very heated. I would’ve liked to win, but my teammates say ‘you win some, you lose some.’ This is my first year on the bowling team, and I have been playing since the beginning of December and I really enjoy it.“

The bowling team had a double header on Dec. 19 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. They will play against Brandon and Flushing at North Cherry Hill Lanes.