Owosso joins Flint Metro League starting in 2017
PHOTO Owosso Athletics
November 5, 2016
Fenton sports will soon have some new competition. Owosso schools have announced that they will be joining the Flint Metro League. Owosso will join the Flint Metro League starting the 2017-2018 school year after being with the Capital Area Activities Conference.
“For decades, Owosso has been a part of the Greater Flint area as far as school athletic competition is concerned,” Owosso Athletic Director Dallas Lintner said. “When we saw an opportunity to join the Flint Metro League, we couldn’t pass it up. Our membership will change the Flint Metro League to some degree.”
With Owosso joining the Metro, there will be changes for Fenton’s teams as well as others in the Metro League.
“Owosso will become the ninth member school, which will alter the process that the league uses to schedule league events. Owosso will become the ninth member school, which will alter the process that the league uses to schedule league events,” Lintner said. “For example, on any given league date, only four contests can take place, which will mean that one school will have a bye in their schedule.”
When talking about Owosso’s sports and how they will do in the Flint Metro League, Athletic Director Michael Bakker says that there may be some competition for some of Fentons sports next year against the newest member of the Metro.
“Owosso has got some programs, in all honesty and even admittedly by them, that aren’t the strongest programs and they need some work to build, but they certainly do have some strong programs out there too,” Bakker said. “You see that we have peaks and valleys in terms of how our teams do in some of our sports. I think Owosso will have some of those same things and there will be some sports that they jump right in and be really competitive and there’s going to be other ones where they’re probably gonna struggle.”