2022-2023 Staff Applications
Q: Who should apply to be on the newspaper staff?
A: The type of person who should apply to staff is someone who is looking for a challenge and who wants to make an impact.
Students who have worked on the newspaper staff at FHS have gone on to become lawyers, teachers, doctors, business owners, photographers, police officers, computer programmers, graphic designers, film makers and working journalists.
We need leaders, thinkers, designers, editors, photographers and of course, writers. Thank you for showing interest in applying to the Fenton InPrint Staff. Click here to view the 2022-23 publications course offerings as well as a link to apply. If you have any questions, you can e-mail Mrs. Hoover at bhoover@fentonschools.org or talk to any of the current staff members.
Click here for a link to the Teacher Recommendation Form.