The Thrill of Sam Smith’s new album release

PHOTO Sam Smith
November 6, 2017
Playing across the country on radio stations across the world, Sam Smith’s “Stay With Me” comforted those without a person to call their own. Three years later “The Thrill of It All” sheds light on loss, coping and acceptance of those relationships or general hardships of life. Released Nov. 3, Smith addresses finding something, or someone to look to for answers when life seems to take a turn. Smith continues his narrative of his life through the soul genre.
Not just his new relationships, but his family relations are featured in his lyric unlike his album “In the Lonely Hour”. Mentioning a different side of himself in the same musical style, Smith addresses divorce and mending the “Scars” caused by it. Although he notices the ‘long five years’ Smith doesn’t forget to address the hardships of the mother’s and father’s position. “Scars”, although being song 13 in the album, may help those faced with another kind of loss that people cope with taking an optimistic view on something stereotyped with negativity.
In contrast to his first song featured in the album, “Too Good at Goodbyes”, or “Scars” which is more family oriented, “Say It First” pushes towards positivity and love. Unlike his normal metric time signature, bass drum makes the beat of this song prominent, alike a heartbeat which relates back to his lyrics of the song. The search for “I love you”, which may change everything, changes his attitude for happiness.
As if we were following him through his relationship, “The Thrill of It all” concentrates on the midst of a relationship when one cares more than another, but in the moment it feels right. His story continues to find that just because it feels worthy at that time it was only in that moment that it felt right.
Along his journey through his relationship, Smith recognizes another connection that he has lost sight of through his life. This connection toward a higher power has been a staple in each song, or album he has sang. “Pray” and “HIM” both come to grips with his relationship with God. Smith’s lyrics in each song can be interpreted in several ways, leaving the true meaning of his words up to the listener. From not believing in God, to the poverty of believers, to the judgement of the LGBTQ community, Smith remains positive in each stanza’s ending words, keeping any interpretation hopeful.
In each of the 14 songs in “The Thrill of It All” Smith uses the soul genre to additionally add to the execution of his lyrics. Keeping the theme of relationships, Smith shows a variety of instruments, vocal background singers and featured artists. Each song pushes toward a common theme: relationships. Whether that be a mother, a significant other or a higher power. This album causes listeners to think about problems in their lives or in the lives of others and to find a way to cope with the pain of each of these things. “The Thrill of It All” recognizes each person as an individual and how they can empower themselves, or others around them.