People of Fenton: Science Teacher Lonny Green

PHOTO McKenzie Lookebill

“Initially I really enjoyed history, but now that I am here and I just like interacting with students and being able to help them. The thing with history is that jobs in that subject weren’t that available when I was looking. Science is my minor and those jobs are always available, so I have never actually taught social studies even though I majored in history. I definitely see myself here in 10 years, still teaching. This school is close to home and I get to be a part of the community. I get to see kids outside of school, working or whatever they do. It’s nice and different than when I was teaching in Flint. There wasn’t as much of a sense of community, it was bigger and a lot of the kids were from surrounding towns. I would see a few here or there every once and a while, but not as often as here. It makes me feel like I am making a difference, like I am helping out and giving back to my community.”

McKenzie Lookebill, Online Editor in Chief