Opinion: Spring cleaning is a must do every year

Sydney Bommersbach, Online Editor

Stressed? Constantly tripping over clutter? Plagued by allergies? These issues can be easily solved by deeply cleaning each room in a house. Seventy six percent of Americans participate in spring cleaning, according to a study conducted by the American Cleaning Institute.

Spring cleaning can decrease stress on many different fronts. According to a Scottish Health Survey, carrying out regular housework can cut feelings of anxiety and stress by up to 20 percent. The activity must be carried out for 20 minutes and create breathlessness, but cleaning can be great exercise. Endorphins are released from physical activity, and paired with a little music, cleaning is a huge mood booster.

A cluttered house means a cluttered mind. A recent study, done by David Tolin, confirms that clutter is not only bad for people’s physical health, breeding mold and bacteria, but also wreaks havoc on mental health. Spring cleaning is necessary to get rid of unused items and start fresh. No more feeling cramped in any space.

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, spring cleaning can help allergy symptoms be avoided. Be proactive at the beginning of allergy season to remove allergens from an area. Dusting, vacuuming, and deep cleaning furniture after all winter of being inside can help remove dander and dust.

The mass benefits of spring cleaning outweigh the day or two that is spent doing it. As a stress reliever, way to declutter, and allergy preventative, there’s no reason to skip it. Create a happy and healthy household by spring cleaning.