Junior prom planned by parents

April 15, 2021
With the Fenton High junior prom cancelled by the school because of COVID restrictions, a select few people are working together to put on a prom for the junior class that is not affiliated with Fenton High. This was decided fairly last minute, but with the help of others, it will be hosted on May 1, 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
The venue, located in Linden, Mich, is called Stoney Acres Barn. The venu includes an outdoor area with tables and a bonfire as well as a dance floor inside the barn. The deposit for the venue was placed on Mar. 30. Students are expected to eat before coming to the dance as there will be no dinner served at the venue; however, there will be water, and an individually-wrapped candy and cookie bar available.
Prom tickets will be $40 a person or $80 per couple and are currently available for purchase.
“Tickets will be available for purchase on eventbrite.com,” an anonymous source said. “There will be a published link that will be circulated through our Instagram and among the student body. Students will have to answer questions regarding COVID exposure and then agree to the terms and conditions of the event in order to purchase tickets.”
Live DJ Deron Walker will be at the event during the night for musical enjoyment and HSP Imaging owner and photographer Erik Smith will arrive shortly before the start of the dance. Smith will be set up with a backdrop and each picture will be printed on site for the students; the price of these pictures is included with ticket purchases.
To find out more information, visit the event Instagram page, @fentontigers2022, where updates are posted frequently.