Inside Scoop: Kimberley Stapp

June 1, 2021
Growing up in Macomb, Mich, Kimberley Stapp was a shy young kid. Although she was shy, her personality made her friends with everyone.
“With my shyness, I was afraid to talk with adults at my high school, especially office staff,” Stapp said. “Because of it, I try to go out of my way to be friendly and welcoming with our students [now at Fenton High]. I don’t want anyone to feel the way that I did.”
Her favorite memories as a child are traveling out-of-state with her grandparents from ages 9-15. At 16, she stopped traveling so she could work to make money.
“Because of it I missed out visiting the northeastern states and making more memories with my grandparents and brother,” Stapp said. “Looking back, I wish I would have known that a job at 16 years old is not that important; you have the rest of your life to work. To date and sad to say, I still have not traveled to the northeastern states.”
After she graduated from high school, Stapp successfully graduated from Ferris State University, where she met her now late husband.
“I met my late husband through one of my college roommates and that is how I moved to the Fenton area,” Stapp said. “Before college, I never heard of Fenton.”
A few years after graduating college, Stapp was unfortunately diagnosed with Skin cancer, ending up with it seven or more times. Her first case was when she was 29 years old, due to laying out on the beach on her senior trip for three hours with baby oil on.
“I got sun poisoning from it; my body and face swelled up along with having blisters,” Stapp said. “I had a two inch by two inch blister on my face. I had to stay out of the sun for a week. Thank goodness, my trip was for 16 days. And, the numerous visits to the tanning salons and not wearing sunscreen. Dr. Seiger at Skin & Vein Center said I was his youngest patient at the time and that normally it is older people that get it. My dermatologist scared me into tears, so I have stopped tanning in salons.”
Recently, Stapp has dealt with the feeling of a loss. She lost her husband to a brutal battle with cancer in 2018 after being married for 27 years and together for 30 years. With her husband, she has two sons: Peyton Stapp and Remington Stapp. During her son Peytons freshman year of high school, Stapp was awarded FHS Staff Homecoming Queen.
“I felt so honored and happy,” Stapp said. “I was kind of worried how my son, Peyton would feel about it with him being a freshman at the time and having his mom be a part of the homecoming assembly. He liked it.”
In her free time, Stapp enjoys golfing and working in her yard.
“I’m a beginner [at golf],“ Stapp said. “I’ve been golfing for a few years and I love it. When the weather is nice, I golf on Sundays at different courses. I love to do fundraising scrambles.”
Stapp is currently the Fenton High Counseling Secretary and continues to have a bright future ahead in her career.