Michigan lifts all COVID-19 regulations June 22

July 2, 2021
June 1 was the day numerous of Michigan’s COVID-19 restrictions were lifted. People may now walk around maskless and vaccinated outside.
Currently, corporate and local stores can still implement mask coverings if desired and people not vaccinated are still required to wear masks inside if asked. These are just a few examples of preventions Michigan is taking to ensure COVID-19 cases stay down as the state begins to open back up; many regulations lifted are under the prefix that partakers are fully vaccinated.
While outside mask mandates are completely lifted with no limitations on the number of people (including in certain indoor facilities like homeless shelters, exercise centers, residential and parks) restaurants now can sit at 50 percent of capacity, allow taste testing, and vaccinated people can go maskless. If not vaccinated, masks are required as long as the customer is not eating or drinking.
“Indoor gatherings like a wedding, a funeral, a conference or graduation will be allowed to resume at 50% capacity through June,” said Detroit Times. “People who are not fully vaccinated are required to continue to mask up when they are indoors until further notice.”
On June 22 all mask mandates were lifted as Michigan has reached their percentage of vaccinated desired by Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer “Vacc to Normal”
“Soon we will be able to sing at church, dance at weddings, cheer at games, hug each other and laugh together and in order to do so we must slowly go back to normal, vaccinated and without masks,” said Whitmer
The lifted regulations are a step towards being back to normal as more rules are lifted, Michigan can return to where people were before the pandemic.