Opinion: Ghosts aren’t real

Meghan Maier, Assistant Online Editor

Although people may claim to have experienced paranormal activity or having seen a ghost, there is no real scientific evidence that ghosts exist. In fact, there is a long list of perfectly reasonable explanations for such occurrences including sleep paralysis, hallucinations and inattentional blindness.

Most researchers claim that ghosts can’t be detected because we simply don’t have the right technology— but that can’t be true. “If ghosts exist or appear in the world they are easily detectable, and if they aren’t real then you can’t detect them,” livescience.com said. No scientific studies have confirmed ghosts exist. 

According to a poll posted on the Fenton InPrint Instagram, 60 percent of those that responded voted yes to believing in ghosts and 40 percent voted no that they don’t believe in ghosts. However, when asked if they have ever experienced paranormal activity, only 35 percent answered yes but 65 percent said no they have never experienced paranormal activity. Although people may believe that ghosts do exist, it’s not common that they experience paranormal activity. Which questions if ghosts really do exist or if it’s all make-believe. 

“Ghost sightings can easily be mixed up with sleep deprivation,” Professor of Psychology Alice Gregory at Goldsmith University said. Around eight percent of people end up retaining some form of consciousness when in their Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep, which makes people think that their dreams are actually real-life and can end up misinterpreted as seeing things that were not actually there. This gives reasoning into why some people believe ghosts are real and not just a fantasy when in reality this isn’t the case. 

So when sharing ghost stories, or ghost hunting around Halloween time, don’t forget to keep in mind that ghosts are just a hallucination and not an actual paranormal experience.