Varsity Girls Tennis takes on the Holly Bronchos
PHOTO Photo by Maddie Roy
April 30, 2015
Girls varsity tennis tied Holly 4-4 on April 28. Winning their individual matches were number two doubles Delaney Hundzinski and Kendra Praedel, three singles Katy Kurncz, two singles Sydney Phipps, and one singles Maddie Ballard.
“I went into the match thinking of Holly as any other team,” Hundzinski said. “I knew that it would be a good match, and they had a girl against me who hit along the sideline, and I wasn’t prepared for that. Yet Kendra, my partner, kept me motivated throughout the match and we pulled through and won it.”
With every match comes a good amount of concentration especially when playing Holly, which was known before hand that it would be a good team.
“I ended up in a tiebreaker against my opponent,” three singles junior Alyssa Branoff said. “My first set didn’t go as I had wanted it to, but I came back in my second set to tie it. In the end, I let the idea of winning get the best of me.”
While in match with Holly, players had found different strategies and preparations to play a tough competitor like Holly.
“Our goal as a team was to beat Holly,” four doubles senior Ally Barnett said. “Before the match, I had my mind focussed on the game, and I took deep breathes while stretching out my muscles. Although I lost my match, I improved my game even more and enjoyed my time on the team.”
The varsity girls have had four games so far this season, winning three and tying one. Now the run is on for the next few games to determine the finalists for Flint Metro League.