Get a pint, give a pint

Get a pint, give a pint

Ted Graves, Writer

The American Red Cross will host a blood drive during school on Oct. 27. The Fenton National Honor Society, sponsored by chemistry teacher Charles Miller, coordinates the time and setup of the drive and recruits donors prior to the event.

“Every year NHS sponsors three blood drives to help the Red Cross supply hospitals across the nation with blood,” said Blood Drive Chair Michael Fabatz. “One pint can help save up to three lives, and it is used mostly in emergency situations. Last year we even received more than 280 pints of blood in donations. Fenton High School typically receives 90-100 usable pints of blood through the student body, and this year we hope to exceed that quota.”

In exchange for one pint of blood, donors will be given tokens for a free pint of ice cream provided by Culver’s in Fenton. The ice cream tokens are an incentive for students who may be reluctant to give blood because of the drowsiness that accompanies blood drawing or donors who are afraid of needles but like free treats.