Varsity Tennis wins against Clio 6-3, Loses to Holly 0-6 at Regionals
PHOTO Erica Kolinowski
May 21, 2016
Varsity tennis played two games against Holly and Clio in the regional tournament. On May 19, the team played a home game against Clio and won 6-3, but travelled to Holly for their next match and lost 6-0 the very same day.
“It was a little hectic playing two different games so close to each other,” sophomore Elle Brickles said. “ Even so, it was really good practice to play competitively.”
The first game was played on the Fenton tennis court and was against Clio. The varsity tennis team’s efforts were shown when they were victorious with a 6-3 final score.
“We brought our A-game to this match,” Brickles said. “Everyone on the team tried their very best to win. Several players, including my match partner Maya Chandy, showed impressive tennis skills and teamwork.”
Even after their win at home, the team suffered a defeat when they traveled to Holly.
“I can’t deny that i’m a little depressed that we lost,” senior Katy Kurncz said. “Although, the team was able to learn a lot about our skills and how to improve. In hindsight I think it was a good game.”
The next Varsity tennis game is at 4 p.m. on May 24 at Brandon High School.