The Class of 2020 tours the halls of FHS

Tess DeGayner, Website Editor in Chief

Adjacent to the Andrew G. Schmidt Middle School lies the class of 2020’s new home, Fenton Senior High. Student council members guide the incoming freshman through the halls, stopping at key locations to give a brief glance at where they will be spending the next four years of their high school career.

“The most confusing thing about the high school is knowing where my classes are,” freshman Carson Borg said. “The high school is way bigger than the middle school. I had the guides that showed me where some of my classes were.”

Touring the school prior to the school year helps to make newbies more familiar to their surroundings. With these tours, student council members hope to see fewer maps out during the first week of school.

EDITORS’ NOTE: In a blink of an eye, the roles will be reversed. Instead of a freshman, the next thing you know you will be an upperclassmen. It is important to take your classes seriously and challenge yourself, but it is equally as important to not make yourself sick over school and establish yourself outside of your coursework. Remember that high school comes once in a lifetime and try to make the most of it, whatever that means to you.