Senior portraits due to Fentonian Staff Nov. 4

Cindy Barcome, Fentonian Staff

Seniors, submit your senior portrait to the yearbook staff by Nov. 4. The staff will use the senior ID photo in the yearbook for all seniors who do not submit a portrait by the Nov. 4 deadline. All seniors who did not not have a formal studio portrait taken are encouraged to have it taken on School Picture Retake Day
Oct. 18.

Some key points to remember:

  • The portrait must be submitted electronically, either on thumb drive or via email .
  • Late photos will be accepted until Dec. 10, 2016, but a $25 processing fee will be charged and no guarantee that the photograph will appear in alphabetical order will be given
  • Seniors who need extra time to turn in their portrait must contact the yearbook adviser Pam Bunka at by Nov. 4