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Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

Season Two of Stranger Things Takes Audience by Storm

Season Two of Stranger Things Takes Audience by Storm

Andrea Elsholz, Writer November 3, 2017

Two weeks left… three days… one day… finally, the countdown has ended for Netflix’s launching of season two of Stranger Things. Time to curl up in a blanket and watch it all. This nine episode...

Band-O-Rama Concert Performs To Raise Money For New Uniforms

Madi Wheeler, Online Editor October 26, 2017

Sitting in the audience, hearing Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas, guests don’t find themselves looking up at a screen but a group of musicians with an assortment of instruments. The annual fall band...

Photo provided by Dr. Wax Orthodontics

The 2nd annual Lace Up For Learning returns

Jillian Ferry, Assistant Online Editor in Chief October 26, 2017

Being the largest group that has the most school spirit is all it takes to earn $500. Dr. Wax Orthodontics is holding the 2nd Annual Lace Up For Learning, and the school who has the most participants will...

Working collectively in their pods, freshman Hunter Wheeler, Lucas  Shelton, Amir Bohdjelian, Jalen Plumbly along with other classmates use the new technology bought with the bond.

History teacher Matthew Place gets a new classroom design with new computers

Madi Wheeler, Online Editor October 24, 2017

As his students work collectively in their groups, history teacher Matthew Place observes as they use the new monitors and chromebooks to complete a project that he has given them. “With the new audio...

New water bottle refill stations save over 7,000 plastic bottles

New water bottle refill stations save over 7,000 plastic bottles

Amber Kelly, Opinions Editor October 20, 2017

With the school year in full swing, students are taking note of the new water bottle refillers. They’re installed in two locations, one is across from Sarah Andersen’s classroom, and the other is by...

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