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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

“Come May my daughter will finally graduate and become a registered nurse. I am proud because she has worked so hard for it and she worked from the time she got out of high school and had three children. The oldest is 13 and the youngest is 5, but she had a hard time trying to get through. It is important so she will be able to take care of her and her children without depending on anybody. I have taken care of her children while she works over the weekends, while she goes to her clinicals by taking them to their dance or football. I have been there for the whole thing to support her. I am very proud of her for sticking with it and achieving her goal.”

People of Fenton: Hallway Aid Marla Pilarius

McKenzie Lookebill, Online Editor in Chief February 9, 2018


“Friends will come and go and you should always value family because in the end they are always going to be your friend and they will always be with you. I have a small family and I have lost a brother and it makes you really think about life and who is important to you. I had a very good relationship with both of my brothers and my father left when I was three so they were like father figures to me. I respected them. My mom instilled it in us as we were growing up. I would tell my brother I love him and I wish he was here with me.”

People of Fenton: Hallway Aid Donna Fletcher

McKenzie Lookebill, Online Editor in Chief February 7, 2018

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