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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

Tips for managing anxiety

Tips for managing anxiety

Hannah Young, Online Editor April 24, 2020

When it comes to managing anxiety and getting a grasp on how to deal with it,  getting a perspective on the anxiety and how it affects an individual can help. See the slideshow below for tips on managing...

“It is so important to have integrity. High School has taught me that I will always be happier if I am kind and genuine, even if others are negative. I’ve learned that although those who write you off are not worth your stress, it only makes me feel worse to be negative back. In reality, no one knows what’s really going on in someone else’s life, and we should just treat others how we want to be treated.” - senior Megan Beemer

People of Fenton: senior Megan Beemer

Sydney Bommersbach, Assistant Online Editor-in-Chief September 3, 2019

Opinion: The struggle to complete a neverending to-do list

Madi Wheeler, Online Editor in Chief October 26, 2018

The feeling of completing your to-do list is near pure bliss, but as you near your goal, suddenly, five more things are added. The feeling of utter defeat quickly takes over. Between the constant flow...

Over involvement in course load and extracurricular activities can cause an equal amount of stress to student participants

Devon Mann, Print Editor in Chief October 16, 2017

One more club, one more sport, one more Advanced Placement class — one less hour of sleep. This kind of schedule has become a reality for some high schoolers, often resulting in students devoting excessive...

The Stress of Parent Teacher Conferences

Samantha Smith, Writer April 15, 2014

Most everyone knows the feeling: sitting at home, waiting with knots in your stomach for your parents to call and demand to know why you don’t have an A in Spanish 3 or why your 1st hour teacher is mad...

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