How Soccer injuries can affect the players

PHOTO Kiersten Lapa

Sophomore Ben Chapple hits the field post injury.

Riann Masi, Writer

As the soccer season comes to a close, players reflect on their season and the events that occurred, among which are the many injuries that developed over the season. Sophomore Ben Chapple, a varsity soccer player, has some experience with injuries that have affected his time playing for Fenton.

“When I pulled my hamstring I was no longer able to run which made me ineligible to play,” Chapple said. “Not playing eventually did help my healing process go faster.”

Chapple strained his hamstring by overusing it. This injury is very common among players. Typically soccer players deal with injuries happening on their lower extremities, such as the foot, ankle, or leg. Players become injured because of over-aggressive playing, not enough conditioning or neglecting to stretch before and after games. After being hurt, players are not usually allowed to participate in games to ensure that they have time to heal. 

“I was out for about two weeks beacause of my injury,” Chapple said. “It was hard not getting out there and playing, but I made sure I was still at games to show my support while my hamstring was healing.”

About 55.5 percent of students in high school are student-athletes, with injuries happening frequently, said the NCAA organization.  When injured you have to have time to heal, that means outside of school sports players should not exercise their injuries at home.If they do this may force them to further injure them more.   

“I wasn’t able to participate in activities outside of school like playing sports at home or continuing to be active,” Chapple said. “The only thing that helped my injury heal was time.”

Through his multiple seasons as a student-athlete for Fenton, Chapple has had three injuries all concerning strains. Chapple continues to play soccer through his injuries. He has learned what to do and what not to do in order to prevent another injury from happening again. Injuries can happen on the field, court, or course but they all have the same effect.