Student Council plans reformed Sadies dance


Bree Soule, Online Editor

As the winter season approaches, so does the annual Winter Dance held at Fenton High. While the dance has previously been cancelled because of poor attendance, Student Council brainstorms new ideas in hope that ticket sales will rise.

“This year’s dance is a Sadies dance,” Student Council Administer Jill Starr said. “The attire will be Homecoming-like dresses. Student council believes students are more likely to attend a semi-formal, rather than an informal dance. The winter dance has been cancelled for the last several years mostly because of snow days, which have interfered with our being able to publicize and sell tickets to the dance. This year’s dance is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 29 from 7-10 p.m.”

Not only will the dance itself be different from previous years, but an activity is being planned to capture the attention of all students.

“We’ve been reaching out to the student body and found out what most people wanted was a Sadies,” senior Taron Masi, who is President of Student Council, said. “Every other school in the Metro has some type of winter dance and so we really want to put on something before prom. The main thing that’s different this year is we’re planning a Powder Tuff, which is where the junior boys and senior boys will get to pick teams and compete against each other in volleyball, similar to Powder Puff with the girls. We’ll sell tickets at the door and the hope is that it’ll raise popularity for the dance.”

Also similar to Powder Puff, Powder Tuff will take place, Feb. 24, the monday before the dance.  With the new additions and changes being made, student council feels that students are more likely to attend this year’s Winter dance as it was planned based on the student body’s feedback.

“I think the dance will go well,” senior Sarah Lowell, treasurer of Student Council, said. “We are planning on decorating, having a photo booth and a fun DJ. Overall, we’re hoping it’ll be just as fun as homecoming and prom, easygoing and just a chance for the student body to get together and enjoy another night of getting dressed up while having fun. I’m really looking forward to it and have heard a lot of interest among all of the grades.”

Student Council is still in the planning stages of the Winter Dance. To sign up for Powder tuff, see the athletic office.