Opinion: Hallmark movies make the holiday season better


Meghan Maier, Assistant Online Editor

Hallmark Christmas movies are a big debate nowadays;on whether or not they are actually good and worth watching. Many believe that they are all the same and don’t make good entertainment; however, there are those who love Hallmark movies and look forward to watching them. These movies are a holiday staple and are definitely worth watching. 

“Although the plots of the movies may be predictable, the inevitable ending is what keeps the viewers coming back for more,” Pamela Rutledge, behavioral scientist and director of Media Psychology Research Center and Media Psychology faculty at Fielding Graduate University told NBC News. 

Having the feel-good predictable endings are a nice distraction during the busy holiday season. According to a poll posted on the Fenton InPrint Instagram, 64 percent of respondents said they love Hallmark movies.

Although people may not love Hallmark movies, the channel still receives a lot of views. Therefore, the channel continues to produce more and more movies. 

According to an article on MarthaStewart, “Hallmark knows that their viewers can’t get enough, in 2019 the network created 24 new movies for their viewers to enjoy.” 

With the high popularity of these movies, more and more are filmed and put out each year. An article on TV Guide reported, “There will be 41 new movies this year across both channels (Hallmark Movies and Mystery and Hallmark Channel).” 

Hallmark movies may be predictable, but they show viewers that they shouldn’t settle for anything less than they deserve. These movies give viewers the desire to want a perfect family and relationship, and that it doesn’t matter if you have the most amazing winter weather. All you need is your family and friends for a great holiday.