Fenton InPrint staff goodbyes
PHOTO Bethany Hoover
May 18, 2022
As the year wraps up, it is time for the seniors to say goodbye. This also means the strong team connections that have been made while working on the school paper are coming to an end. As a team there have been a lot of new experiences and memories made, this is a bond that will last forever.
“I am sad to be leaving the Fenton InPrint after four years of hard work, dedication and the making of new friends. I gained many important skills during my time on the InPrint. I had opportunities other students didn’t and I was able to excel in something I loved. I will forever be grateful for the friends I made, the lessons I’ve learned and the years of skills I can take with me into my future. Thank you, Fenton InPrint and everyone who is a part of it.” – senior Angelina Vitarelli
“I would like to say goodbye to all the seniors who are leaving the staff. The seniors have helped me so much in becoming a better person and more determined and hard working. The Editors-in-hief have also helped me so much for my first year on staff. They’ve shown me what it feels like to have a “family” and also to be focused on my goals. Bree, the Online Editor-and-Chief, is the person I look up to the most. She is always determined to get everything done and she never fails to get something finished on time. It’s hard to say goodbye to all the seniors because they all have been there like big sisters. I will miss them all so much. Goodbye seniors.” – freshman Ariana Papcun
“I’ve been the Online Editor-in-Chief of the Fenton InPrint for the past two years and I’ve loved every moment of it. I appreciate all the staff, the class and my position for everything it has done for me. I’ve learned how to lead, how to manage and organize my time and how to overcome obstacles. I will truly never forget my time on staff. From freshman year to senior year, I’ve got to see people come and go. Now I’m graduating, becoming the next wave of people leaving and I’ll have to leave my position behind. I will miss my adviser and my staff who have become like my school family, and I will miss waking up every morning and heading to Room 5-109. Thank you all, and the InPrint itself, for everything.” – senior Bree Soule
“To the amazing seniors that are leaving the program, I am going to miss you all so so much. All of you are leaving a great legacy and have set this program up for pure success. I am honored to be able to carry on the legacy of what you guys have created, and I aspire to be as determined, motivated and responsible as all of you. This class has taught me far more than just journalism— it has taught me about time management, responsibility, communication and how to bond as a staff. I would not have learned these valuable lessons as efficiently without the most amazing EIC’s and editors. Thank you for all of the sacrifices you have made for the staff, and thank you for always being kind, listening and understanding. I am so thankful for this class for placing all of you in my life and I wish all of you the best in life. I love you all.” – junior April Carr
“As graduation gets closer I have started to think about everyone I have gotten to know and who helped me throughout the years. Even though I have been a part of the Fenton InPrint for only a semester, this team has helped me so much. I have started off only knowing a couple of things about writing stories but you all have helped become a stronger writer and a stronger person. Anytime I have a question there is always someone to help. Thank you Fenton InPrint staff.” – senior Destiny Hilliker
“As an InPrint staff member, for most of my high school career, there are many things that I will miss, but I think the hardest goodbye is to the classroom itself. This big classroom at the end of the arts hallway filled with pictures of Sunny and Steve Harvey holds a momentous amount of my high school memories. I started this class with the 2019 seniors and saw all the hard work they put into publishing the newspaper, whether it be online or a hard copy. Now I know how much effort they put into their work and making newspaper what it is today. I am truly going to miss the morning announcements, Mrs. Hoover using her “earmuffs” when the conversation gets a little questionable and mostly the classmates I have met through newspaper. We have become a great team this year and I would not have asked for a better group of students to be surrounded by everyday. Goodbye Room 5-109.” – senior Riann Masi
“I will miss first-hour journalism and family Fridays, but i am ready for this next chapter of my life and excited to see where the future takes me.” – senior Elizabeth Maier
“I joined this class my junior year and I never expected it to make such a big impact in my life. At the start I was hesitant about joining this class but I’m so glad I did, I ended up meeting some of my closest friends and making so many incredible memories. Coming up to the end of my senior year, I wish I would have joined this staff earlier than I did; this truly was one of my favorite classes and I will miss it very much.” – senior Meghan Maier