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People of Fenton: senior Monroe Chapman
Sylvia Kline, Editor-in-Chief
October 17, 2023
“When I was six, I loved Disney princesses and decided that I wanted to have clothes like them, so that’s when I began creating and designing my own clothes. To me, fashion is an art form, and I love the amount of variety and creative freedom that you get when designing. Anything and everything is considered fashion and that’s what I love about it. My favorite piece I’ve ever made was my prom dress last year. It started out as just a sketch on paper, and I took inspiration from clothing that already existed and then started switching things up. So after all of the initial designing, I psychically made the dress which involved buying fabric, taking measurements, sewing and embroidering. Honestly, it’s like doing a puzzle where all the pieces are from different puzzles.” – senior Monroe Chapman