While most people would think that being a foreign exchange student would be fun, it can also be challenging in many different ways. Not only is it hard to adapt to a completely new environment, but it is also hard to get used to a new timezone, meeting new people and new languages, and going to a new school in a new community. But being a foreign exchange student can also mean a new beginning. Last year in the United States alone there were more than a million foreign exchange students and the numbers only seem to be going up. With more than 10% of Michigan’s students being from another country, it also means that there gets to be more new ideas and beliefs in different places around the world.
According to ivypanda.com, 95% of students that studied abroad admitted that that helped them increase their maturity. It also says that 96% increased their self-confidence in a new place and 95% said that studying in a new place or different country had a lasting impact for them. And the best news is that over 50% of those people still are in contact with friends that helped them during that time. It’s definitely helped people a lot over time not only to get to know each other but also to help each other.
“I am from Slovakia, and it was not really different. I mean it was a huge change meeting new people but it’s a cool experience. It was tough leaving but at the same time it wasn’t. “I wanted to learn English. It was cool learning a new language and meeting new people” said foreign exchange student Richard Masanec.
Many foreign exchange students like to come to new places. They get to meet new people, live in a different environment, and also get to try out new things. Of course being a foreign exchange student doesn’t mean that the person has to stay forever, it just means that they can stay for one or two semesters or even longer just to see what it is like living in a new place. But there can also be downgrades to being a foreign exchange student. Because of the cost, many people have said they would have loved to host a foreign exchange student but it is just too expensive. There can also be language barriers and a difficulty understanding a new language for the new student. People have also said that being a foreign exchange student can make them homesick or even depressed at times.
“Being an exchange student has many points to be taken into account. In my experience I lived everything I always looked for, I made some friends, met new places and improved my English. Apart from the homesickness and missing my family and friends from my home country, it is still an amazing adventure. Being able to show a little more of my Brazilian culture and learn more about American culture was one of my favorite parts. Living this time in a new country made me more mature and also realize that I am capable of many things. I am grateful to Michigan for having been my temporary home, I keep my exchange with great affection.” said another foreign exchange student Gabriela Ickert who previously attended school at Fenton.
In the end, even though being a foreign exchange student can be tough, it also can offer a new and fresh perspective on the world and the people around you. It can also help people understand new ideas and beliefs as well as meeting new people from new places around the world. And that is what makes being a foreign exchange student so great not just at FHS, but everywhere around the world.