People of Fenton: Junior Jessica Lynch
PHOTO McKenzie Lookebill
“I always thought that moving would be really cool, like a change of scenery and the people who you meet won’t know you so if you don’t like something about yourself you can change it and be different almost. But if I was put in that situation I would just be really nervous and scared and probably really shy. I thought about going to New York for film, but I’ve never been there so I don’t know what it’s like there, but it just seems so interesting to me. I would definitely miss my mom and my dog. I don’t know what I would do without my mom everyday because she is probably one of my bestfriends. She’s just a strong woman influence in my life and is everything I aspire to be when I grow up. She is a good leader, like she will take charge of something and she is so good at it and won’t let anyone step on her toes. If someone makes her mad or does something she doesn’t think is right she’ll tell them and make sure they realise that what they’re doing isn’t beneficial. For her job she is a big leader of putting software into hospitals, she works from home and when she’s on phone calls I listen to her and she’s just so smart and uses big words and it’s so fun to listen to her take charge. I don’t want to just live life without knowing my purpose I guess, like her purpose is definitely to be an influential person to people around her because she’s such a good leader. Like I want to know what my purpose is in life and if you don’t let people step on your toes or tell you you can’t do this or that you won’t find that purpose. So It’s good to know that I have someone I can look up to for that.”
March 10, 2017