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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

“I’ve been a school counselor for 15 years and I have really enjoyed it. It’s always so fun and funny, sometimes sad too, but for the most part it’s really upbeat working with high school students. Before that I was an outpatient therapist, I worked for 16 years in clinics, helping kids and adults. So now, in my retirement, I plan on traveling, in the fall I’m going to Italy with six other people, so I’m really looking forward to that. I decided on taking some trips to continue to learn.”

People of Fenton: Counselor Vicky Russell

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director June 11, 2018

People of Fenton: Senior Emma Alderson

People of Fenton: Senior Emma Alderson

Gracie Warda, Online Editor April 11, 2018

"This year I have a date for Prom, which is really exciting. I went and bought my dress two months early, because last year my dress was too big because I didn't have time to get it altered, and I didn't...

“Initially I really enjoyed history, but now that I am here and I just like interacting with students and being able to help them. The thing with history is that jobs in that subject weren’t that available when I was looking. Science is my minor and those jobs are always available, so I have never actually taught social studies even though I majored in history. I definitely see myself here in 10 years, still teaching. This school is close to home and I get to be a part of the community. I get to see kids outside of school, working or whatever they do. It’s nice and different than when I was teaching in Flint. There wasn’t as much of a sense of community, it was bigger and a lot of the kids were from surrounding towns. I would see a few here or there every once and a while, but not as often as here. It makes me feel like I am making a difference, like I am helping out and giving back to my community.”

People of Fenton: Science Teacher Lonny Green

McKenzie Lookebill, Online Editor in Chief March 20, 2018

People of Fenton: Senior Logan Scarberry

People of Fenton: Senior Logan Scarberry

Gracie Warda, Online Editor March 16, 2018

"I had the idea to start a clothing line with a couple of friends and then build it up over time. People always say to do what you want to do, do what you like. I came up with the name, which is ‘Vainxiety.’...

“I started playing piano when I was five years old. It’s something that I love with my whole heart and there is nothing I would rather do than play piano. I could play for hours, I’m very passionate about it. I love playing classical music, I just love learning new pieces on the piano and there is always something new that I can learn on the piano.”

People Of Fenton: Junior Evelyn Eck

Madi Wheeler, Online Editor March 14, 2018

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