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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

Movie Review: Detective Pikachu

John Sabato, Reviewer May 14, 2019

(No Spoilers) Pokémon is a modern phenomenon and a staple in pop culture. When news broke of this movie being in development at Warner Brothers, everyone was a bit worried, as video game movies haven’t...

Moments that made 2018 a great year

Dylan Dockins, Writer January 25, 2019

As a new year begins students reflect on what made 2018 so eventful. The memories are far from forgotten, as it was a year with ups and downs. The importance of reflecting on the years lived through is...

A view of the North Portico of the White House, Wednesday June 14, 2017 in Washington D.C.  (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

Government shutdown doesn’t currently pose threat to local schools

Gracie Warda, Assistant Online Editor January 10, 2019

As of Jan. 10, the government shutdown by Donald Trump’s administration has lasted for 20 days; it’s creeping up on the previous record of 21 days in 1995-1996, according to the New York Times. The...

How to prepare for driving in the winter

How to prepare for driving in the winter

Sydney Bommersbach, Online Editor December 28, 2018

Tips for Driving in the Snow: Drive slowly. Leave extra time for the commute and execute every maneuver slower, such as turning. Accelerate and decelerate gently. Don’t apply the gas too quickly...

Senior Kyle Podeszwik teaches CPR classes to local residents

Jessie Bright, Writer December 21, 2018

While many students spend their free time playing sports or hanging out with friends, senior Kyle Podeszwik uses his time to teach the public his passion: emergency medicine. Podeszwik teaches a cardiopulmonary...

Top ten DIY christmas gifts

Madi Wheeler, Online Editor-in-Chief December 20, 2018

With the Holiday season right around the corner, here are a few Christmas gift ideas that can be made yourself or DIY. Here are the Fenton InPrint’s top ten DIY Christmas gifts for this 2018 holiday...

Fast Fashion and Ethical Brands

Fast Fashion and Ethical Brands

Hannah Young, Writer December 18, 2018

Fast Fashion is a term used in the fashion industry when replications from runway trends are presented to the public almost instantly after being shown. Created with low-quality materials and inexpensive...

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