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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

IB Theatre productions are now being filmed

IB Theatre productions are now being filmed

Meghan Maier, Online Editor April 26, 2021

With the COVID restrictions present, the theatre department has been forced to make some changes in order to still have a show. The main change is the filming of their production and no in-person shows. “The...

Choir and Theatre Programs Plans for the 2020-2021 Season

Choir and Theatre Programs Plans for the 2020-2021 Season

Molly Killian, Lifestyles Editor September 22, 2020

As the school year begins, the theatre and choir programs, heavily centered on in-person class structure and live performance, are working to figure out what the 2020-2021 school year will look like for...

Senior Sheehan Personett stars in "Much Ado About Mean Girls"

Senior Sheehan Personett stars in “Much Ado About Mean Girls”

Angelina Vitarelli, Writer December 18, 2019

Fenton High’s theater program and non-theater students pull together to put on productions several times throughout the year, which many seniors participate in. Even though she has only been involved...

IB Theater holds annual play

IB Theater holds annual play

Chole Couch, Writer October 18, 2019

IB Theater is holding their annual play based on the iconic movie “Mean Girls” with a Shakespearean twist. The IB theater teacher, Lori Thompson, chooses all of the elements of the play from what the...

With actor Joe Bujak "dying" in her arms, senior Alex Marsee shows students a piece of what occurred at Columbine High School. IB Theatre students presented their production of 'Columbinus' March 15-17.

Senior Alex Marsee takes on the role of “Perfect” in Columbinus

Alexandra Marsee, Writer May 2, 2019

Columbine; hearing the city strikes a certain fear down any American that knows its name. The site of the first mass school shooting of America, the small town quickly made a name for itself that will...

“We have our show for IB Theatre this weekend, the Laramie Project, we had to go home early and all after school events were cancelled and it will be pulled off well, but with so many snow days and so many people sick, we get really stressed out. We have to relearn staging and reteach staging, we have to sub for people that are gone, but I have to keep my head strong. I have to trust that my cast and class can work on their lines outside of school, and try to be two steps ahead of the game even though we are two steps behind. I am casted Trish Steger and narrator. Everyone has a narrator line or two. I’m Romaine Patterson’s older sister. Trish is very upset about what happened to Matthew Shepard, but she has to be there for her sister and the rest of the community. I think that it’s important to learn a part because you are playing a different character that’s not you, but you learn more about yourself and the difference between you and someone else. You learn about humanity and how people function within society. In this show particularly I have learned to listen to other opinions on both sides of the spectrum, whether its politics, or just personal beliefs. Through the past couple of years I have learned to be more confident with myself, even if it’s scary to do, just go out and do it. The first step in being confident is to look and your fears and ask yourself why you fear it, how you can overcome it. When it comes to said fear, I count to three and do it. I have huge stage fright and any time I go on stage I do my breathing exercises, I stretch, then I count ‘one, two, three’ and go on.”

People of Fenton: Senior Devin Wallen

McKenzie Lookebill, Online Editor in Chief February 1, 2018

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